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Hazrat Ali (r.a)The Lion of Allah.

“Five best sayings of Hazrat Ali r.a” 1:He who knows how to keep his secrets knows the way to success .🌱 2:The nearest of people to us is the one who loyally supports us and has enmity for our enemies.🌷 3:Achieve your goals in silence.🌳 4:Have hope only in Allah ,be afraid of nothing but…

راشد منہاس شہید

20 اگست ایک نوجوان آفیسر کی شہادت کا دن لگانے آۓ تھے آگ جو آشیانے کو وہ شعلے اپنے لہو سے بجھا دۓ تم نے اے راہ حق کے شہیدو وفا کی تصویرو تمھیں وطن کی ہوائیں سلام کہتی ہیں

Pakistan Turkey friendship.

Pakistan and Turkey have always been friends.The two countries have stood by each other in difficult times.In the kashmir issue ,turkey has always raised its voice in favor of pakistan. Pakistan and turkey are good friends. The president of turkey Tayyip Erdogan and the prime minister of pakistan Imran khan are good friends .Both leaders…

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